Community forum

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As I could not find detailed explanation about the settings in this tab, I have some questions:
Snap 2017-10-13 at 10.14.40.jpg
What does the option "Sync data channel" mean and when should it be used?
What KeepAlive = 0 means - that it is disabled or permanent? Is any other value defined in seconds?

What I would like to achieve is that when a FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SCP task finishes successfully, the FTP connection is closed correctly. Any recommendations how to do it?
Forum information
KeepAlive = 0 means that it will not send any keep alives.

Sync data channel
This option specifies whether to synchronize data channel. Switch it on if component hangs when trying to establish data connection, i.e., on using commands list, upload, download.
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