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  •  TJJ
  • Free support Topic Starter
Hi, I'm trialing VisualCron and I'm playing with the Interactivity - Robot task. To begin with there's no help/documentation on this feature it seems, so I didn't know if this is a new/beta feature (should I even be trying to use it?).

Then when I add a Click or SetText action and I use the "select an element" feature, I get the helpful highlighting around the windows, buttons and elements so I can select my target element, but the CTRL+Click to select the element never works! It new thinks I select an element - and I've tried every combination using the left/right Ctrl key, shift, alt, right clicks - nothing works... Has anyone else seen this behavior? The only way out is to kill the process...

I can only assume this feature is still under development due to the lack of actions etc. (like matching elements on screen based on image, identifying windows by handles etc.).

Can anyone shed any light on the matter?

Thanks, TJ

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