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Hello dear,

I have a job with 2 tasks - first task runs SQL query and stores standard output - including headers (since users like it 🙂 and semicolon delimited. I grab the output in next task and save it to CSV file. Ongoing tasks either save the output file to some folder or send it via email.

It would be prefect, if I could somehow setup, that if the result set is empty (the SQL returns 0 results), then I will stop further job processing. However, with headers turned on, there is always some output.

Of course I can somehow discover size of output file and say that if it's size is less than xx kB, then I won't execute other tasks, however this is not so reliable, since the headers vary across different tasks and I don't take this solution as 'pretty'.

Perhaps there is some feature in VC, that I have missed? Or do you have some other solution?

Thanks for any help/hint in advance.
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