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  •  Rahn
  • No customer Topic Starter
Version 5.1.0

When connecting to a remote server (through a console app), I'm occassionally geting messages about missing triggers and tasks:

Trigger with id: a73aca6d-189a-43e7-935e-eef454c0d955 was not found.
Task with id: 830114f2-c2e7-434f-977c-89eaf833bddb was not found.

See the attached screenprint to see the code and console window.

These messages aren't always showing up.
Any idea what they are?

Rahn attached the following image(s):
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Sounds strange. Is the Job there? What if you loop through the Triggers of the Job - which id's do you see then. Please not that the id is case sensititive.

Generally, a Trigger or Task should be there if the Job is there as those are a part of the Job. So maybe the Job is not there?
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  •  Rahn
  • No customer Topic Starter
Ah, figured it out.

Any tasks that run while trying to connect to the server are throwing this error message.

I have a job that has about 30 tasks in it, takes a minute to run.
By starting the job, then running my program to connect to the server, I see the task ID's are missing, and looking at them, I see they are sequential tasks in my job.
(And manually looking at the times, they look like they were running right at the same time I was trying to connect.)

(I added output of all jobs and task names/IDs on the server in the program once I connect to verify that these tasks are in fact there.)
I am not sure how the code looks on your end but you cannot ask for an id until the connection with the API is complete. (InSync is true)
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  •  Rahn
  • No customer Topic Starter
I'm not asking for an ID.
I just noticed this popping up in the Console window the program is running in.

Here's my code.
The errors show up when it gets to the RemoteServer=c.Connect(Remote,True) line.

Connection Remote = new Connection();
Remote.UserName = "admin";
Remote.PassWord = "";
Remote.Port = 16444;
Remote.ConnectionType = Connection.ConnectionT.Remote;
Remote.Address = "NOCEDI01";

Server RemoteServer = new Server();

RemoteServer = c.Connect(Remote, true);
//**** Errors will show up here before next line is executed.
Console.WriteLine("Service Active: " + RemoteServer.Active.ToString());

catch (Exception e)
//Couldn't connect, time to panic.
string b = "EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY!<BR/>Can't connect to Visual Cron on NOCEDI01";


using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter("JobList.txt"))
foreach (JobClass j in RemoteServer.Jobs.GetAll())
w.WriteLine("Job: " + j.Name + "\t" + j.Id);
foreach (TaskClass t in j.Tasks)
w.WriteLine("Task: " + t.Name + "\t" + t.Id);
Ah, I see now. I thought you were writing that. We'll see what we do about this. Probably ignore it in some way when sync is not complete.
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