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I've been using VisualCron for a little while, but have never quite found a satisfactory solution to the problem of sending debugging information to myself along the way. I guess pop-ups are one way, but they seem a bit over kill. Emails, demand I go somewhere else to see the output.

What I really want is just to be able to send a VisualCron expression to Standard Output or Error Output. for example I might want to see the name of the file that caused a job to trigger:
At the moment I do it by using:
Task: "Execute"
Command: cmd
Arguments: /c echo {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|RemoteFile.Result.Path)}

But this seems like a bit of a kludge? Is there a more direct way? Am I overlooking something obvious?
Forum information
Powershell task with Write-Output is an alternative. You could also consider adding a global user variable called 'debug'. Then just add a 'Set User variable' task where you need it. The only purpose of this variable would be to display output.
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