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Praxis Consulting
I'm using a SSH task to send a command to a linux server. The cmd run has output, but does pause (output-wise) for long stretches. The task times out with error "Exception in Task: Command Execution timeout exceeded" after roughly 1 minute 2 seconds. I've set the timeout in the timeout tab to 3 hours, but same result.

Any ideas what I need to do to make it wait?
Forum information
So 2 things. There are 2 timeout values. 1 on the connection and 1 on the task set. We have jobs that needs to run for around 5 hours. So I set the connection timeout value to 8 hours and then I run all my SSH tasks as Command mode and keep alive set to 30 seconds. The max connection life you can extend the send text to is 100 seconds and if there is no activity on the TTY it will kill your session. I have been successfully running local ssh tasks that spawn SQL from shell scripts for long runs.

A couple of pointers when running send commands.
- Put your paths in quotes
- Run as much as you can as one liners. ex cd "/your/path/here"; echo hello; echo goodbye

I hope this helps!

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