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We have a situation here where we set up two identical VC jobs to trigger based on when a certain set of tables arrive into a network location.
I have updated them to look at different directories to initiate the trigger function.

We have seen how when the tables are updated to the location for PRD, that the task for CRP also triggers, causing a conflict with the first file copy function in the job, as the jobs fight with one another to process the inbound tables. The result is nothing happens other than a '77777' timeout and the jobs error out. The tables are then not processed as desired.

This is the directory structure:


The tables arrive in /IMPORT/PRD/Excellmport and that job fires off...trying to copy the tables for processing.
At the same time, the job that looks at /IMPORT/CRP/ExcelImport also fires off even though the tables are not written to that directory.

I need to know how to remedy this - do I need to add special permissions to the share(s) to prevent the VC jobs from assuming that the directories under /IMPORT are shared?


Ellen Solch
Mike-sell's Snack Food Co.
Forum information
Could the folders be linked via a shortcut in the filesystem? I'm sure you've already checked the trigger paths are unique. Do they use job variables for the paths where a copy/paste happened and the target path in the paste wasn't changed (don't ask me how I know that)?
You can download this tool side by side to see all events on a specific folder to see if there is any strange link in-between:

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