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  •  guruk
  • No customer Topic Starter
How are the credentials in an Execute Task passed on to the application that is being executed..


Application sample.exe is developed using .NET

Create a Job to execute the application
Add a Task using the Execute process using a stored credentials

When we execute the job, the environment variable displays as SYSTEM as against the stored credentials information..

If the stored credentials is not used to execute the job, is there a way to achieve this in Visual Cron?

We want the stored credentials to be used to run the sample.exe application and not the SYSTEM account.

Forum information
Impersonation works differently depending on the context. If you use Network credentials we only retrieve network access to be able to run an executable from the network. Please be aware of that .NET does not like being run from a network drive. You can try this by running it directly from the network.

When using logon with profile the profile is loaded and the whole process run as another user (network credentials just add the Credentials to the current user (SYSTEM))

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  •  guruk
  • No customer Topic Starter
Here is what I want to achieve.. In my .NET program I have to check a list of users if their account is valid or not..

So I have saved my AD account information in the credentials of Visual Cron.. I am trying to use the stored credentials to execute the job.. As you mentioned that the stored credentials are used only for network access, I would like to use the Visual Cron API to check if the user is active or not by using the stored credentials..

I created a task that will get user information using the Getobjectproperty task.. I would like to replicate the same in my application.. How do I do that?

Why do you want to use the API for this?

Why do you not just use the AD Tasks to retrieve this information and react on output?
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  •  guruk
  • No customer Topic Starter
Basically I want to check a list of users in an oracle table have a valid AD account or not.. Therefore, I have to check for all my users which is several hundred and that would be time consuming if I had to have a task run for checking if a user account is valid or not..

Also, how can I pass the output from one task to another..

Because once I get an account that is not valid, I have to do someother process. In addition there is additional business logic that we need to perform..
You can use Variables to retrieve the output of an SQL Task. In any field you can click on the Variable button, copy a Variable and paste it to any field. The problem is not passing the Variable but rather looping them like you want. We are currently discussing the best way to implement a looping feature.
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