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I have a task that runs every 15 minutes. Sometimes, it runs for longer than 15 minutes due to server or data load. I am trying to figure out how to get notified that the task is still running when the next scheduled time arrives.

I did see how to not start the task if it is running. I did see how to end the task if it is expired, but in my case I don't want to end it, I just want to know that it is running longer than expected.

Is there some way to use variables or another task to see if the long running task is still executing?
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First, sorry for the late reply. We missed this question.

You can add a Condition that you attach to the Job that checks if that Task is running. If it is, you could run a another Job with an email Task that notifies you about that.
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Yes thanks. I actually did that and got it working.

Later, I've started adding a task in the job itself checking to see if a particular task is running. If so I skip to the next task, which is an email. In the email, I check to see if the main task is running. If so, then I send the email, if not, then just exit. Took a while to get the conditions all figured out, but it is working fine.
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