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I think this is an enhancement request, but if you have a workaround, I'd love to hear it.

I just spent days trying to figure out what was wrong with a 23 task solution I've been building.. The blocks of tasks were all unit testing great, but when I strung them together I was getting results I could not explain.

What I finally figured out.. a simplified example would be this.. Step 1 has a condition, that condition says if the test is true, "Continue", but if it is not true, then "Run Task" which in this case means skipping to step 4. Step 4 does the same thing for a different set of assets. Test to see if a condition is true, if so, continue, if not skip to step 7.. etc ..

The failure occurs when the condition on step 1 is false, AND the condition on step 4 is false.. which means that step 7 should be the first step to execute. What's happening is that when step 1 skips to step 4, it executes step 4 without evaluating for that condition that is associated with step 4.

Would it be possible to give us an option when selecting "Run Task" in a condition action set to run it WITH CONDITION if one exists on the task you are about to run?



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Interesting problem that one. I have no solution, but maybe a workaround:

1)Create a master job that tests all conditions
2)Create separate jobs with the relevant tasks. So job1 would have task1, task2, task3. Job2 would have task4, task5 and task6 and so on.
3)Pass in the values from conditions as a parameter to the relevant jobs. If the parameter is true, run the tasks in that job, if false just exit.

This way you always call all jobs, but the tasks are executed depending on the parameter. You avoid the GOTO logic that many people find hard to read and maintain.

Hi Thomas,

Interesting workaround, thank you! in our situation there would be some obstacles with that.. but I understand where you're going with it..

I'm going to say that I would definitely like this to be considered as a Feature Request please.. seems like a real "gotcha" to be allowed to call an object that can have conditions, without regard for the possible conditions..

Thanks again..
Yes I agree with that. Out of curiosity, what does your condition test? Is it something related to the output of some tasks, or is it something independent of the job . itself? So if you skip from task 1 to 4, what is task 4 supposed to check before running?
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