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Jon Tofte-Hansen

I have a VC job which is started when a file is created on a remote SFTP-site. An event trigger of the type "Remote file" is used, and the download functionality in the trigger is used. This has worked as expected for at least 6 months.

This morning the job was correctly started but the download failed (the file was created locally but was empty).

In that situation I would have expected the job to fail but it continued! It was not even reported as an event. The only place I can see that there was a problem is in the VC server log:


Err Connect->Error connecting: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (SFTP (SSH - Secure Shell) - <connection name> [<connection details>])
Err SFTP Task->Download failed - resuming. Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VisualCronService.RemoteFileAPI.DownloadSFTPFile(ConnectionClientClass cc, Boolean bolKeepCreatedModifiedDate, FileStream wStream, RemoteFileInfoClass rfi, FileMode fm, TSBFileTransferMode tm, String strLocalFilePath, Int32& intTotalFiles, TaskProcessClass tpc) in C:\sourcefiles\code\VisualCronService\Connection\apiRemoteFile.vb:line 1306
at VisualCronService.RemoteFileAPI.CIEPIMOCDDKPCGAGAEAJKJAPPBMFHHHAIHKN(CCEDIKOJOACMABGAIHHOHPJCDMJPDMLJKHNK , ConnectionClientClass , ConnectionHandlerClass , String , List`1 AAKGMOLAGMKIFCIPNNDJJKDPNLOEMAABEGOB, String , FTPDownloadCommandClass , Int32& , Boolean& , VariableReplacerClass , TaskProcessClass ) in C:\sourcefiles\code\VisualCronService\Connection\apiRemoteFile.vb:line 1203
Err SFTP Task->Resume error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Err SFTP Task->Resume error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Err SFTP Task->Resume error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Info Job started: <job name>

The error may be caused by the remote SFTP server or the connection or the local OS but the job should still fail.

As a consequence I have created a designated SFTP download task so next time I should be alerted. This may also be a better solution as I can run the job manually and get the download as well.

VicsualCron server 8.3.5
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