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We experience problems when we try to call an SQL / stored procedure using parameters.

Basically the problem is simple: When we try to add paramters to the call, these are apparently always defaulted to "Validate value" and "BigInt". If we try to change to e.g. "Binary", and we uncheck "Validate value" and press ok, then when we edit the parameter again it has been reset to "BigInt" and checked in "Validate value".

Apparently is doesn't proberly save these settings.

Forum information
i have seen a similar issue where if I setup a SQL proc call in a SQL task and give it variables and then make a clone of that job go in and change the task name and change the variables it goes back and changes the variables on the first job i setup. Something doesn't seem to be working right with the way things are saved.

I worked around it using the text query portion and just calling my exec sp_MyProc @var1, @var2

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