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How do I disable the date/time being shown in the output of a task? I just need the actual output.
As in the attached I only want the value 4832763 as in my next task I will use this to populate a database with the value

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What's the RDBMS and the query? You should eliminate the date and time there. In the meantime, you could always just grab the last string of digits with a regular expression (in case the output is out of your control for some reason), but I reiterate, this is sloppy and the real answer is to output the correct format in the first place:


The regular expression explained:
.* - match 0 or more any character
\s+ - followed by 1 or more whitespace characters
(\d+) - followed by a remembered group of 1 or more digits
$ - anchored to the end of the line

$1 is the replacement which is the first remembered group or in this example the string of digits at the end.
The SQL output is correct. It just seem VisualCron is adding the date/time back afterwards. Unless I'm going mad I'm sure it never used to which makes me think it's a setting somewhere.
Can't say I've seen that. We're running client 8.3.5 against Oracle 12. Are your queries from text in VC, stored procedures or read in from a file? Need more info.
If you don't want to mess with regex, you can use the following function

(If you're using the standard settings for SQL task output it uses tab.)
{STRING(GetColumn|1|3| |{TASK(PrevTask,StdOut)})}

Should always give you the value in column 3
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