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Brad C.
We have a job that has been working very well for some time, but has since begun failing after loading 8.4.1.

Three Jobs are involved, so I think it's got something to do with kicking off another VC job and it not actually waiting for the 2nd job to finish before moving on.

1st job - Has the file trigger that then kicks off the other two jobs. After the two other jobs are finished, it creates an archive folder and then adds the trigger download file to a Zip archive (with deletion).

2nd job - Just runs an SSIS package that loads the file into SQL
3rd job - Loads the same data file into Cobol using an SSH task

The 1st and 2nd jobs are failing because it can't zip the file and delete because the file is still in use, and the 2nd job fails in VC and SSIS because the file isn't there. It's definitely like they are competing for the file, since it does ultimately get downloaded and archived.

Anyone else run into this?
Forum information
Yes, there is a bug in 8.4.1 related to synchronous execution in that Task. It has been fixed in 8.4.2: https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=9330 
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Brad C.
Thanks Henrik!
Do you have an ETA on when 8.4.2 will move out of Beta? I'm all for loading it to resolve this problem, but we are a bit apprehensive to put a beta into our production environment.
Originally Posted by: Brad C. 

Thanks Henrik!
Do you have an ETA on when 8.4.2 will move out of Beta? I'm all for loading it to resolve this problem, but we are a bit apprehensive to put a beta into our production environment.

I hope 2 weeks as we are still fixing things.
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Brad C.
Could I get an update on the RTM date of 8.4.2? I know you're still in beta, but looking for an anticipated release date if possible.
Originally Posted by: Brad C. 

Could I get an update on the RTM date of 8.4.2? I know you're still in beta, but looking for an anticipated release date if possible.

The current plan is to release between 18/3 and 22/3.
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