Community forum

Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

Changes so far in this build:

[FEATURE] Client/Server: Added Task Repository - community shared code
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Remote/Cloud file Trigger->Added optional "Wait before download"
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Amazon S3->Added setting for "multi part upload size"
[FEATURE] Client/Server: SFTP->Updated default "auto"-encryption algorithms
[FEATURE] Client/Server: Added Trigger->Trigger debugging and moved Task and Trigger debugging from general Extended debugging to create less and more direct logging
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Credentials->Fixed an issue updating local login/load profile
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Connection->SQL->Fixed db index error when selecting among connection strings
[BUGFIX] Client: Slack->Fixed UI issue
[BUGFIX] Client: Task schedule import issue->Fixed missing dll error issue
[BUGFIX] Server: Print Task->Fixed concurrent printing issue
[BUGFIX] Server: Twitter Tasks->Fixed dll issue
[BUGFIX] Server: MS Teams Tasks->Fixed query issue
[BUGFIX] Server: Office 365->Get calendars->Fixed output issue
[BUGFIX] Server: Get checksum->Fixed file lock issue
[BUGFIX] Server: .NET Code Task->Fixed parameter issue when not Executing in server process

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