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Hi all, I am setting up a backup process for an application. This application provides a backup.bat file, but it changes automatically when updated and I am worried staff may not notice. So I want to implement a file validation into the VC job itself to prevent the backup from running and to throw an email error (we automatically turn them into tickets).

I can think of a couple of ways that may work, but they seem very haphazard or overly complicated. Do you guys have any ideas on a simpler way to accomplish this?

  1. Get checksum of batch file
  2. Compare to stored checksum
  3. If different, throw job error (job errors are configured to send emails to our automated ticket process)
  4. if same, run the batch file

Thanks ya'll and any help is appreciated.
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There is a Get checksum Task. You could use the current value and store into a User Variable. Then use the Flow to compare the value and depending on the result do something. But, maybe it is easier just to react to when the file has changed through a File Trigger and then notify you?
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Originally Posted by: Support 

There is a Get checksum Task. You could use the current value and store into a User Variable. Then use the Flow to compare the value and depending on the result do something. But, maybe it is easier just to react to when the file has changed through a File Trigger and then notify you?

Thanks Henrik. The only reason we don't do a File Trigger is because this file will only be updated once or twice a year. I didn't think the resource cost monitoring the folder would be worth it. The Task Flow seems like it will work. Thanks for the help!
Originally Posted by: Support 

There is a Get checksum Task. You could use the current value and store into a User Variable. Then use the Flow to compare the value and depending on the result do something. But, maybe it is easier just to react to when the file has changed through a File Trigger and then notify you?

I used Flow -> on complete -> if MD5 Checksum doesn't match -> task error notification & Flow -> on complete -> if MD5 Checksum matches-> continue with next task

Working perfectly! As always, thanks a ton Henrik!

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