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I have a job that runs an MS Access macro, which has been running nicely for several months now with no errors. This job has suddenly stopped working. This is what's captured in the output:

ExecuteProcess("C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\\TaskOfficeMacro.exe" 46604923)->RunAccessMacro->COMException System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80010105): The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (RPC_E_SERVERFAULT))
   at Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.DoCmd.RunMacro(Object MacroName, Object RepeatCount, Object RepeatExpression)
   at TaskOfficeMacro.OfficeMacro.FI9TTWX4H() - maybe Microsoft Office is not installed? This Task requires Microsoft Office being installed.
ExecuteProcess("C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualCron\\TaskOfficeMacro.exe" 46604923)->Unhandled execution error: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80010105): The server threw an exception. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010105 (RPC_E_SERVERFAULT))
   at TaskOfficeMacro.OfficeMacro.FI9TTWX4H()
   at TaskOfficeMacro.OfficeMacro.hCmLhMCQZ()
   at ku8f4Ki7tn12qhZSXw.E0Asrfd6lbKLAQ8eLl.YEm1Dvumr(String[]  )

And this is what's in the extended debug logging:

6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Info	Job started: Transline CICO
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Debug	SendJobStats->Ended (6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM)
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Debug	Next action: ActionContinue
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Debug	Calling GetNextTaskProcess()
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Debug	Next Task is: Run Transline CICO MS Access Macro
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Debug	Next action: ActionContinue
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Debug	Calling StartTaskProcess() with Task: Run Transline CICO MS Access Macro (46604923)
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Info	User 'VisualCron Default Admin' - Ran Job: Transline CICO
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Info	Task started(Office macro): Run Transline CICO MS Access Macro (46604923)
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Debug	RunAsType: API
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Debug	Username: *****
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Debug	ExecuteHelper started process: 13932
6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM	Debug	Process status - retrieving process id (46604923)
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	Process status - has left WaitForExit (46604923)
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	ExecuteHelper->CloseOutputHandle: C:\Windows\TEMP\VisualCron\StdOut_48fc4998-db0d-4ea7-a537-70e98b7e3337
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	ExecuteHelper->CloseOutputHandle: C:\Windows\TEMP\VisualCron\StdErr_6baa11e3-eeed-4a3d-aeaa-821aed27415d
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	Process status - OutPut captured (46604923)
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	Process status - trying to retrieve exit code
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	Process status - ExitCode fetched (46604923)
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	Process status - ProcessHandles closed (46604923)
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	ExecuteHelper->CloseOutputHandle: C:\Windows\TEMP\VisualCron\StdOut_48fc4998-db0d-4ea7-a537-70e98b7e3337
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	ExecuteHelper->CloseOutputHandle: C:\Windows\TEMP\VisualCron\StdErr_6baa11e3-eeed-4a3d-aeaa-821aed27415d
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Info	Task completed (Success)->'Run Transline CICO MS Access Macro' (46604923)
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	PrevTaskProcess(Run Transline CICO MS Access Macro)->ExitCodeResult: Success (ECCId: 746c95ce-d394-491c-925c-8bd50e4daa8ePId: 46604923, Exit code: 0)
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	Found 1 matching flows. (46604923)
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	Calling GetNextTaskProcess()
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	Next execution (2) for Job 'Transline CICO' is: 5:00:00 AM
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Debug	SendJobStats->Ended (6/13/2019 11:40:57 AM)
6/13/2019 11:41:09 AM	Info	Job completed (Success)->'Transline CICO'

The weird thing is that if I simply open the database file and double-click on the macro, it runs perfectly. This tells me that the problem isn't with the Access file, but I can't seem to figure out what the problem is.

Any ideas?

Forum information
Just an FYI, I managed to solve this. It turned out not to be a problem with either the Access database file or with VisualCron - something had gone wonky in Windows. I have no idea what it was, but I rebooted the virtual machine that runs VC, and things were back to normal. I probably should have tried that first.
Originally Posted by: jrtwynam 

Just an FYI, I managed to solve this. It turned out not to be a problem with either the Access database file or with VisualCron - something had gone wonky in Windows. I have no idea what it was, but I rebooted the virtual machine that runs VC, and things were back to normal. I probably should have tried that first.

Thanks for the feedback!
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