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I have a variety of jobs that monitor an email inbox for emails with particular subject lines, and then kick off a process. Every now and then, these triggers seem to become deactivated for no apparent reason (at least, no reason that's apparent to me). To add more weirdness to this, when I look at the list of jobs in the "next run" field, it says "no active trigger"... but when I double-click on a job to open it and look at the "triggers" tab, the trigger clearly has a check in the checkbox. If I simply hit "ok" without making any changes, the trigger then shows as active in the list of jobs. There's no timeout or expiry set on the trigger. I thought maybe there was a setting somewhere that says "if this fails X number of times, deactivate", but I don't see one.

This only seems to happen for email triggers - I've never had it happen with a time-based trigger.

Thanks for any info.
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First step is to determine the reason. Most likely it is a network failure and you are not using enough Retry settings so the Trigger gives up.

To get instantly notified and debug when this happens you create a new Job with type VisualCron Trigger. Watch for Trigger deactivations on error. Then use an Email Task to send the error details. You can use this Variable in the body: {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|VisualCron.Result.Message)}
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I'm in the process of setting up that job now, and I figured I'd make the trigger look at all jobs. But how do I get the name of the job that triggered the trigger to put in the email's subject line? I tried {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|Job.Name)}, but that gives me the name of this job I'm setting up, not the job that triggered it. That kind of makes sense, because technically the currently-active job is this new job. What I'd like to do is use {TRIGGER(Previous|LastTrigger|Job.Name)}, but it seems that "previous" is not available.

For now, I've just set it up to watch that one job. Ideally, I'd eventually want it to watch all jobs that have an email trigger, and if one gets deactivated, I'd want it to automatically re-activate it.
Originally Posted by: jrtwynam 

I'm in the process of setting up that job now, and I figured I'd make the trigger look at all jobs. But how do I get the name of the job that triggered the trigger to put in the email's subject line? I tried {TRIGGER(Active|LastTrigger|Job.Name)}, but that gives me the name of this job I'm setting up, not the job that triggered it. That kind of makes sense, because technically the currently-active job is this new job. What I'd like to do is use {TRIGGER(Previous|LastTrigger|Job.Name)}, but it seems that "previous" is not available.

For now, I've just set it up to watch that one job. Ideally, I'd eventually want it to watch all jobs that have an email trigger, and if one gets deactivated, I'd want it to automatically re-activate it.

UPDATE: These are the Variables you should use:

Job name Variable you describe should be the name of the Job that triggered the Trigger but we will check this. Either way I think the verbose message Variable contains the Job name.

There is also a new option not to react on current Job in 8.5.2: https://www.visualcron.c....aspx?g=posts&t=9532 
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I just wanted to confirm that the three variables you mention in your last post seem to work nicely:


It happened again, but this time I had the notification trigger in place. This is the error it gave me:

Trigger 'Email Trigger - "Transline_CICO*"' was inactivated in Job 'Save Transline CICO File' by error 'ReceiveMail->Error in Mail Trigger (2), ex: A socket operation failed because the destination host was down'

So something was down... how do I stop this from deactivating in this scenario?
Originally Posted by: jrtwynam 

It happened again, but this time I had the notification trigger in place. This is the error it gave me:

Trigger 'Email Trigger - "Transline_CICO*"' was inactivated in Job 'Save Transline CICO File' by error 'ReceiveMail->Error in Mail Trigger (2), ex: A socket operation failed because the destination host was down'

So something was down... how do I stop this from deactivating in this scenario?

You increase the Retry times in the Trigger.
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