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Dear Team,
We are using VisualCron 8.5.4.
Currently the 'Archive - Compress' task doesn't error when no files are available for archiving. The task runs and is marked as successful and a blank .Zip folder is created in the destination folder. This is misleading as ideally the task should have failed and an error thrown that 'No files exists for archiving'.

I am requesting this new feature to be added. The same problem was there in the earlier versions as well.

Also, instead of a full upgraded new version, can we get this feature as a Service or fix pack so that w don't need to initiate a full blown VC upgrade again to leverage this feature?

Many Thanks
Forum information
Originally Posted by: IainLyon 

Dear Team,
We are using VisualCron 8.5.4.
Currently the 'Archive - Compress' task doesn't error when no files are available for archiving. The task runs and is marked as successful and a blank .Zip folder is created in the destination folder. This is misleading as ideally the task should have failed and an error thrown that 'No files exists for archiving'.

I am requesting this new feature to be added. The same problem was there in the earlier versions as well.

Also, instead of a full upgraded new version, can we get this feature as a Service or fix pack so that w don't need to initiate a full blown VC upgrade again to leverage this feature?

Many Thanks

Hi, I just wanted to update you on this.

In the latest 8.5.5 build ( we’ve fixed the issues with multiple content filters but only one having files, causing an error, plus we’ve also added a new option in the setting, to make it optional for you to create an empty zip file in case of no files in the source folder.

In the "On Error" tab you can also choose to make it error out in case of no files found.


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