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I am wondering if the following are possible using VisualCron:

1. Can a notification distinguish between a task that fails because a script it executes returns an error and a task that fails because the script times out?

2. We have VisualCron configured to trigger notifications at the job level. If a job includes more than one task, and if a task fails, is it possible to indicate in the notification sent at the job level which task failed?

3. Is it possible to include the output from a script or program a task executes in a notification email?

Thanks for your help.
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1. it depends on if you use the built in timeout in VisualCron or have any special timeout in your script. VisualCron captures exit codes. Exit codes other than zero is a failure. You can use Conditions to check for a specific exit code and react to that. It will be more complex - but if you really need to do that it is possible.

2. No, you should set this on Task level instead to have this control. However, we will probably add a LastTask Variable soon so you can access the last Task (which is the failing one).

3. Yes, browse the Variables explorer. VisualCron->Jobs->Your job->Tasks->Your Task->Output. You can also use the Active Task if you want the Notification generic in Task level. Then it does not matter which Id the Task has - it just uses the current (failing).
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I have a couple of follow-up questions:

On 1: Are you saying that VisualCron can let us know when it triggers a timeout? Or are you saying that our script can return one exit code for a timeout and a different exit code for an error, and that we can use Conditions to react to the different exit codes in different ways?

On 3: To include the output for a script a task executes in a notification email, would the notification have to be triggered by the task? Or can it be triggered by the job the task is a part of?

Thanks for your help.

1. there is a timeout function both on Task and Job level. It will get the exit code 77777 if there is timeout. You can look at the exit code to control the Condition. You will also get a timeout error message in the Error output Variable (and error output column)

3. No, you can use output Variable anytime from anywhere. If you paste in the Variable that reference directly to a Task (has a long Id (guid) in the Variable) it can be used anywhere. If you use the "Active" id it can only be accessed within the Task.
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The PrevTask Variable has been added in this version. Please note that you have to replace the Task id with PrevTask. 

Also, please give us feedback regarding an idea of future development.
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