Community forum

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We need to move our VisualCrom to a new server. We are currently running 7.7.8. Both the new server and old server are online and have access to the internet.
When I try to deactivate the license in the old server in the Server -> License tab, it doesn't deactivate (the deactivate option remains enable and when I try to activate the license in the new server it says that it is currently active).

Please help.

Forum information
Originally Posted by: aflorin 

We need to move our VisualCrom to a new server. We are currently running 7.7.8. Both the new server and old server are online and have access to the internet.
When I try to deactivate the license in the old server in the Server -> License tab, it doesn't deactivate (the deactivate option remains enable and when I try to activate the license in the new server it says that it is currently active).

Please help.


Moving a server is a support matter, as it requires manual work from support. For this you need an active (renewed/non-expired) maintenance&support license key.

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