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We are trying to use a CPU Performance Counter Trigger and it works as long as it's active, but at some point, the Trigger deactivates itself. Sometimes, they stay running for a while and then deactivate, other times, like right now on 2 servers, the Trigger deactivates immediately after I activate and save it.

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So the problem is if the process no longer exists, the Trigger deactivates. Why is that? How do I get it to reactivate when the process starts again?
There is an event trigger for process start, but just like your issue, it won't stay enabled no matter if the process is running or not (I was using EXCEL.EXE) unless I'm doing something wrong. My thought was to have a separate job monitor the process and have it activate the trigger using a task of Internal/Job/Task control/activate trigger that would run when the process started.
I actually did just that, but that sure seems like a lot of effort for one job.
Joey S
I think Gary's answer is right but you do not have to have a separate job to do this. The job you have will work. Make two triggers. One that is active (the one that looks for the process lsa.exe) then have one task - Internal task that activates the second trigger which would be the process monitoring one.

Once the process closes, the second trigger deactivates itself but the first trigger stays active. It is just one more trigger than you have but all wrapped up in one job so really it is not too much more work.
Still seems absurd to me, but I guess I'll try it.
Originally Posted by: Joey S 

I think Gary's answer is right but you do not have to have a separate job to do this. The job you have will work. Make two triggers. One that is active (the one that looks for the process lsa.exe) then have one task - Internal task that activates the second trigger which would be the process monitoring one.

Once the process closes, the second trigger deactivates itself but the first trigger stays active. It is just one more trigger than you have but all wrapped up in one job so really it is not too much more work.

Actually, I am not sure how to do this - if I add a second Trigger, the email will be sent when the process starts. I guess that would be one extra email, but that's annoying.
Joey S
You will need two triggers and two tasks.

The first trigger should fire when your application (LSA.exe) starts
The second trigger will be one that monitors the processing time or power you have listed

The first task will be an email task
The second is a task that Activates ALL triggers (redundant but I would still do it)

You need to set a condition on the first task, the email task. The condition will look at which trigger was last fired and if that is trigger #2 (the processing power/time one) then it will run the email task

In this way, your job will start when the application (LSA.exe) runs. It will try to fire off the email but see that the last trigger does not meet the condition so it will skip this task and simply go to task 2 which will activate all triggers. If/when then processor trigger gets fired, the email will run as expected and both triggers will be activated again. Keep in mind that activating triggers only turns them on if they are off.

See attached pics
NOTE - my pic for the Condition is one I use already so it does not look like it applies to your situation. Use it as a template and apply what you need. You will need to look at the variables to find your trigger ID. You will need to first set everything EXCEPT the condition, then save and go back in so everything has an ID. Then you can set the condition

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Ok, I was actually thinking it would have to be the config you are describing, but I could not see a way to set the condition to being which Trigger fired. I must have missed that. Thanks for the reference images.
Still, having to do this for 4 jobs on 4 servers is painstaking. 😞
I got it working, but I had to put the "Job/Task control " Task, otherwise, it did not even run when the Email Task did not run.
Is there a way to get Trigger Id without having to go through the whole Variables tree? Like for Jobs and Tasks, you can get that by clicking Copy Job Id or Copy Task Id:

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Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

Is there a way to get Trigger Id without having to go through the whole Variables tree? Like for Jobs and Tasks, you can get that by clicking Copy Job Id or Copy Task Id:

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Not currently, but it's a good feature request. We'll try to get that little detail implemented for our 9.0.0 release.


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Did not work. Worked fine if I manually stop the service and then start it, but if I reboot the server, does not work.
I guess I'll try adding a 3rd Trigger - System Startup.
Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

Did not work. Worked fine if I manually stop the service and then start it, but if I reboot the server, does not work.

Hi Keith,

What service are you trying to watch exactly, or is it the same for every performance trigger? I'm trying to reproduce this but I can not, it doesn't deactivate itself for me after I reboot the server

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It's not actually the service process, but the service starts a separate process that we need to monitor as it spikes the CPU hard after a while and we need an alert if that occurs. I know we could use Perfmon, but I hate that tool.

The service process is LSAService.exe, but we are monitoring LSA.exe.
Originally Posted by: Support 

Originally Posted by: keithdavis 

Is there a way to get Trigger Id without having to go through the whole Variables tree? Like for Jobs and Tasks, you can get that by clicking Copy Job Id or Copy Task Id:

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Not currently, but it's a good feature request. We'll try to get that little detail implemented for our 9.0.0 release.


This has now been implemented for version 9.
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