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Since we want to use our own script and not use the Amazon cloud upload functionality inside VC, we have created a Job to use a trigger to detect a file and use our own PowerShell Upload script (that uses AWS CLI commands) to upload to S3.

I run the script locally, and it works fine. But through Visualcron Powershell job (we are using parameters)

We will get this error:
Error: The term 'Write-S3Object' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. - C:\FOLDER\DEMO2_RETAIL\QUOTES/20181207-20'47'59_to_20181207-21'02'59_BROKER1002_Quotes_v1.csv.gz (File Size in kb: 0 kb)

We also commented out the Write-S3Object, and tried other AWS S3 CLI Commands, with the same result.

Forum information
Originally Posted by: dillznit 

Since we want to use our own script and not use the Amazon cloud upload functionality inside VC, we have created a Job to use a trigger to detect a file and use our own PowerShell Upload script (that uses AWS CLI commands) to upload to S3.

I run the script locally, and it works fine. But through Visualcron Powershell job (we are using parameters)

We will get this error:
Error: The term 'Write-S3Object' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. - C:\FOLDER\DEMO2_RETAIL\QUOTES/20181207-20'47'59_to_20181207-21'02'59_BROKER1002_Quotes_v1.csv.gz (File Size in kb: 0 kb)

We also commented out the Write-S3Object, and tried other AWS S3 CLI Commands, with the same result.

Can you send screenshots to of your task settings please? We will continue the troubleshooting there

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Hi it seems like the -profile for the AWS Set Credentials runs as the logged in user, and VisualCron runs as local system. I think this was the issue. We are getting around by using an .ini with credentials on each write-s3object.

$profileLocation = "C:\bin\credentials.ini"

Write-S3Object -ProfileLocation $profileLocation -BucketName $bucket -Key $key -File $fileName -Metadata @{md5chksum=$fileHash} -Force
Originally Posted by: dillznit 

Hi it seems like the -profile for the AWS Set Credentials runs as the logged in user, and VisualCron runs as local system. I think this was the issue. We are getting around by using an .ini with credentials on each write-s3object.

$profileLocation = "C:\bin\credentials.ini"

Write-S3Object -ProfileLocation $profileLocation -BucketName $bucket -Key $key -File $fileName -Metadata @{md5chksum=$fileHash} -Force

What about selecting a Credential (that you normally are logged in as) that has "Load profile" selected in the Credential?
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