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  •  jtang
  • Paid support Topic Starter
I have a job that uses an email trigger to monitor an inbox for emails with a specific phrase in the subject line and then marks it as read while moving it to a separate inbox folder. The issue I'm running into is in times of high volume we have multiple emails that match the condition set in the email trigger at the same time (since the polling is set to 60 seconds) and I think that's causing all of the emails to be marked as read/moved but only the job only runs once for the first email that visualcron found. I could lower the polling timer but that just makes the window smaller instead of resolving it and I might also start running into throttling issues with the email sever. Are there any work arounds or suggestions? Thanks.

EDIT: I'm on version 8.5.5
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Originally Posted by: jtang 

I have a job that uses an email trigger to monitor an inbox for emails with a specific phrase in the subject line and then marks it as read while moving it to a separate inbox folder. The issue I'm running into is in times of high volume we have multiple emails that match the condition set in the email trigger at the same time (since the polling is set to 60 seconds) and I think that's causing all of the emails to be marked as read/moved but only the job only runs once for the first email that visualcron found. I could lower the polling timer but that just makes the window smaller instead of resolving it and I might also start running into throttling issues with the email sever. Are there any work arounds or suggestions? Thanks.

EDIT: I'm on version 8.5.5

Hi, let's break down the issue a bit

  • You have a job that uses an email trigger to monitor an inbox for emails with a specific phrase in subject. Reads it, moves it to a separate folder

  • When multiple mails match the condition, all of those that matches the condition gets marked as read and moved to the inbox (or all emails in general, that it gets bugged?)

  • The job only runs once (for the first mail that matches the condition), even though all of the other mails that matched the condition gets marked as read and put in the inbox?

Let me know if i'm understanding it correctly


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  •  jtang
  • Paid support Topic Starter
correct, i'm seeing all the emails that match the condition get marked as read. I made a mistake in my original post and the emails only get copied to a different folder not moved.
Originally Posted by: jtang 

correct, i'm seeing all the emails that match the condition get marked as read. I made a mistake in my original post and the emails only get copied to a different folder not moved.

Ok, and what is your desired outcome, what's wrong with the job only running once for those emails? Let me know how you want it to be exactly and i'll take a look and see if there's any sort of workaround to achieve that.

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Originally Posted by: jtang 

correct, i'm seeing all the emails that match the condition get marked as read. I made a mistake in my original post and the emails only get copied to a different folder not moved.

Are the tasks that operate on the emails using Visualcron variables to refer to the specific email that fired the trigger, or are the tasks checking the inbox on their own for the same subject match the trigger uses?

I once had a file trigger job set up that didn't work as intended because I was triggering for any file and then operating on all the matching files that were there, so multiple files dropped at once would trigger multiple times...(with Put Job In Queue), but the first time it triggered would handle all of them (because they were all there by the time the task was checking for them) and the queued runs would find nothing to operate on (which caused the task to error at first, since it defaulted to error if 0 files were found).
  •  jtang
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Figured it out, I misinterpreted how things were intended to work. My problem was I was pulling the subject name straight from the email trigger so the job only ran for the email that triggered the job but since multiple emails matched the trigger condition they all got marked as read. I was thinking it would scan the inbox, find the first matching email, mark just that one as read, run through the tasks, and then 60 seconds later repeat the process on the next email that matched.

I'm going to modify it to instead just use the trigger to trigger the job and then adding a "email - get messages" as the first step to obtain all of the subject lines and then iterating that tasks on that list.

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