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I have read several forum entries on this subject but can't manage to change the Logfile path to my mapped network drive. The drive is mapped inside ViscualCron and also mapped in windows explorer using the same credentials. I can see the drive fine in Windows explorer and in the directory picker when changing Logfile but after I change to the mapped network drive and close the settings dialog the path reverts back to its default on the C drive. I tried shutting down the server before changing the setting and turning back on afterwards but that did not help. How can I change the Logfile path to point to my mapped network drive?
Forum information
Originally Posted by: brduffy 

I have read several forum entries on this subject but can't manage to change the Logfile path to my mapped network drive. The drive is mapped inside ViscualCron and also mapped in windows explorer using the same credentials. I can see the drive fine in Windows explorer and in the directory picker when changing Logfile but after I change to the mapped network drive and close the settings dialog the path reverts back to its default on the C drive. I tried shutting down the server before changing the setting and turning back on afterwards but that did not help. How can I change the Logfile path to point to my mapped network drive?

There is no support for that as there is no option to chose credentials. The only "workaround" would be to run VisualCron as another user than SYSTEM/LOCALSYSTEM, and then use a UNC path. However, that is not something that we recommend


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