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  •  ErikC
  • Paid support Topic Starter

My question is for version 8.3.4, not the latest at the moment.
I have a master job and a slave job. This master jobs runs the save job with specific job variables for the slave job.
This slave job is executed a few times in the master job in sequence with different job variables.
In the master job, the job/task control task is set to synchronous, inherit exit codes.
The slave job executes a commandline task and repeats this task till an expected outcome is there, waiting 10 seconds after each iteration.

When the master job is started, the CPU load can get over the 50% and other jobs have difficulties to complete.

I have an other job writing a file one a different visualcron server every minute, so I can check if visualcron is working. The other visualcron server is doing the same, so I receive every minute a file and act on it. This setup fails when the above job is running.

Today I tried to log in with the client and I got a connection issue after a few seconds / minutes. The service was too busy to let me in.

Is this a known issue of this version? Is this solved in the latest version 9.1.5?

Uses Visualcron since 2006.
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Originally Posted by: ErikC 


My question is for version 8.3.4, not the latest at the moment.
I have a master job and a slave job. This master jobs runs the save job with specific job variables for the slave job.
This slave job is executed a few times in the master job in sequence with different job variables.
In the master job, the job/task control task is set to synchronous, inherit exit codes.
The slave job executes a commandline task and repeats this task till an expected outcome is there, waiting 10 seconds after each iteration.

When the master job is started, the CPU load can get over the 50% and other jobs have difficulties to complete.

I have an other job writing a file one a different visualcron server every minute, so I can check if visualcron is working. The other visualcron server is doing the same, so I receive every minute a file and act on it. This setup fails when the above job is running.

Today I tried to log in with the client and I got a connection issue after a few seconds / minutes. The service was too busy to let me in.

Is this a known issue of this version? Is this solved in the latest version 9.1.5?


Hi Erik,

I'm not entirely sure of that your specific case would be a "known issue", but I do know that there has been multiple changes and bugfixes - both to job/task control task as well as overall performance of visualcron since 8.3.4. It would be interesting to see if you could reproduce this issue with our latest 9.1.5 (or preferrably even 9.2.0, our beta build of it, or when it gets released officially which shouldn't be more than 1-2 weeks from now at most)


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