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Jon Tofte-Hansen
I have moved a job from version 8.5.5 to 9.1.5.

The job contains a task with a while loop. When I view the job log and expand the task all loop iterations are recorded as expected, but if I open the task log directly, I only see one entry for each job run (?!). In 8.5.5 the task log shows each iteration.
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Originally Posted by: Jon Tofte-Hansen 

I have moved a job from version 8.5.5 to 9.1.5.

The job contains a task with a while loop. When I view the job log and expand the task all loop iterations are recorded as expected, but if I open the task log directly, I only see one entry for each job run (?!). In 8.5.5 the task log shows each iteration.

I do believe that we've fixed this in our latest 9.2.0 beta build. Could you please download and test it and see if it works better for you?


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