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Can we use “List file(s)” or other task to check file “delta” periodically.

For example,
We’d like to use VisualCron to detect “Error” keyword on a file every 10 mins.
Assume there’s a line “2020-04-22 09:55 Error” written in the log file at 09:55.
At 10:00, we expect VC can check the keyword because there is a line with “Error” keyword.
At 10:10, we expect VC should not “detect” this “Error” keyword as it has detected before.
At 10:05, there’s a line “2020-04-22 10:05 Error” written in the log file at 10:05.
At 10:20, we expect VC should detect the second “Error” keyword as it has not detected the new keyword before.

May we know if VisualCron do that.
Forum information
Originally Posted by: CMBI-IT 

Can we use “List file(s)” or other task to check file “delta” periodically.

For example,
We’d like to use VisualCron to detect “Error” keyword on a file every 10 mins.
Assume there’s a line “2020-04-22 09:55 Error” written in the log file at 09:55.
At 10:00, we expect VC can check the keyword because there is a line with “Error” keyword.
At 10:10, we expect VC should not “detect” this “Error” keyword as it has detected before.
At 10:05, there’s a line “2020-04-22 10:05 Error” written in the log file at 10:05.
At 10:20, we expect VC should detect the second “Error” keyword as it has not detected the new keyword before.

May we know if VisualCron do that.

We have sent you a couple of emails and answered your question
Perhaps your domain is blocking our mails? Please look in to it.

But short answer no. There is the file trigger with “Trailing file trigger” option. This reacts on changes to a file. However there is not built in keyword filter.

For extracting certain texts in output, you could use Regex variables. However, we are no experts at regex, so you would have to search for that information online, depending on what you want to extract.

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