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I have a group of jobs that are triggered off of the presence of the files they process.
All their trigger files are created within minutes of each other. Depending on how much data they process on the oracle server, they can take a few seconds or a few minutes to run. They can interfere with each other, so they can't be run concurrently. I have therefore been relegated to forcing them to wait about 10 min. between each other. There are about 10 of them, so they end up taking a little over an hour. This is impacting our schedule...So now I will have to either set up trigger files that each spit out and make dependencies based on that.
Would it be possible to implement the concept of a 'schedule' where, for instance, all of the above jobs can be put into a schedule, call it 'Group A', then chain the processes so that they default to running in sequence. The same way tasks are run in a job. That way, we can deactivate jobs from the sequence or add more jobs or put conditions for bypassing jobs.

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