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To start several VisualCron clients intance was possible on earlier versions. It would be nice if it would work again as before. This will make our work with Visualcron much easier. Thanks.
Forum information
Out of interest why do you want several clients running? We have asked for a few things to make it easier to do multiple things in a single client, for example the ability to pin a job so you can refer to it more easily when working on another job
I want to copy from one Task modal Dialog to another Tasks, because we 've got Informations that every Tasks share. Currently it's not possible because the main Window is locked, when a modal is opened. That's why I currenly need to start several Clients to copy Things.

Can you have your issue subject so I can look at your post to see if we got the same Problem.
OK yes copying from one client to another sounds interesting but I can imagine it isn't something officially supported.
Will dig out the issues I have raised in this area
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