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I created a job in 8.2.8, and many of the bugfixes in 8.2.9 were extremely welcome. Many of the tasks we were struggling with are now doing what we need them to do. However, we had set up several "Event log - write" notifications, and are now unable to edit them in any way. In fact, if I create a new notification with absolutely nothing in it, or just the simplest of text, the VC client crashes.

I've imported a job from our test server, and I need to change the credentials under which it runs, but there is no way for me to save the job.

I'm considering going into the config files and hand-editing the XML so that the Event Log notifications start working again. Can anyone provide any guidance on what to do and not to do? I can probably figure out the XML structure, and I'm guessing that the execution credentials will reference the GUID of the credential, but are there things that can really screw things up?

Any advice is most welcome. Thanks in advance.
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I stopped the VisualCron service, then hand-edited the TaskNotifications.xml file in the settings folder. It appears to have worked, but I still wanted to get a bug report in.
Thanks for the report! We have now fixed this in this build;

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