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I'm trying to set up an email trigger for a job, but I'm having trouble getting it to work. I've had our IT department authorize me to set up a POP3 email account in Visual Cron, and tested that the connection works. Now, I've set up my email trigger like this:

Email Trigger 02.jpg Email Trigger 03.jpg Email Trigger 01.jpg

Basically, all I want this job to do is monitor an inbox for an email with the subject "Test Email", and if it finds one, send me an email saying "I got the email". This is just for testing purposes - if I get this working, I'll be setting up something much more useful. I'm not sure what's wrong here though - when I send an email to this inbox with that subject, nothing happens. I've set it to poll every 20 seconds (again, just for testing - I'll probably revert that to the default 60 once I get it working), and I have waited much more than 20 seconds so far.

Any thoughts?

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Please turn on Extended debugging in Server settings. Then send an email to the watching account. Wait 3 minutes and then zip and send the log file to
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I've sent the log file as requested, but when doing so, I also had a look at it. I think what it's doing is checking the entire inbox for emails matching the specified subject line, every 20 seconds. Given that there's about 12K emails in the inbox, that'd take awhile. I don't want it to check the whole inbox, I just want it to check unread messages (there's only 1 - my test email). To try to combat this, I added a date filter to the email trigger. Since I have it set to poll every 20 seconds, I set the date filter to only look for emails received within the past 20 seconds. But it looks like it's still going through every email and checking to see if it was received within the past 20 seconds.

How can I force this to only check unread messages? Or instead of having a timed mailbox check (20 seconds), have a triggered mailbox check (i.e. the instant a new message arrives, check it against the criteria for the email trigger)?

It will only check for unread messages. At least in the second round.
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