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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I'm interesting in running 5.x on a test machine prior to upgrading production servers from 4.x

The desired upgrade path would be to:

1) Install 4.9.40 on the test machine.
2) Import jobs and other settings from a production server running 4.9.26 to the test machine.
3) Upgrade the test machine from 4.9.40 to the most recent 5.x version in production.

The expected end result is to have the jobs and other settings from the 4.9.26 production server available for testing on the test server on 5.x.

However, when I try this, after the upgrade to 5.x, I can see all the other settings that should be present from the other server - pgp keyrings, connections, credentials, notifications, conditions, etc - but not the jobs. I've also tried importing the settings from the zipped file, and manually copying the settings files. Even though the jobs file in the settings directory is the one from the other server; and the backup file is the backup of the settings from the other server, I still can't see the jobs from the other server. The only job present is the default job that deletes old log files.

On comment - from the upgrade, it appears that it is supposed to copy the settings file from the vc 4 directory to the vc 5 directory. I did have to manually copy the files myself - they were apparently not copied during the upgrade.
Forum information
If VisualCron 4 is uninstalled before installing version 5 this could happen but we have not heard of that one of the files has not been copied.

Did you have a chance to verify if it wasn't copied or just not "read" properly?
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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I just found something strange.

When I found that I couldn't see the jobs after the v5 upgrade, I renamed the original settings files to .old, and manually copied the settings files from the v4 folder (but really, the issue seems to be with the job settings file - everything else, like the pgp keys, conditions, and all the rest are present.)

But when I looked to confirm for you that the install had not copied the job setting file, I found that I was looking at the default job setting file again.

So I manually copied the job setting file from the v4 folder again, tried closing and opening the client to see if I could see the jobs; then tried restarting the VC windows service. When I restarted the windows service the job settings file that I want it to read gets replaced by the default job setting file in the settings directory.

Now, I'm not certain whether or not the upgrade copied the job setting file - it's possible that by the time I looked at the folder, I had done something, such as restarting the service, that had caused it to be replaced by the default job setting file.

Regardless of whether the upgrade copied the job setting file, so far I haven't found a way to get it to keep and read in the correct job setting file in the setting directory.

Could you send the file to
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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I have emailed the job settings file that won't load.

I also checked the server log - I found this error the first time it tried to load the job settings file -

7/9/2009 11:37:56 PM Err Error loading jobfile: Illegal characters in path.
7/9/2009 11:37:56 PM Debug Trying to recover file for: Jobs
7/9/2009 11:37:59 PM Err Error loading jobfile: Illegal characters in path.

Subsequent VC starts since that initial one simply load the incorrect (default) job settings rather than the desired file - so it looks like maybe it tried to load the correct file once, failed, then is looking for a default file because of that?
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