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Can someone point me to an example of calling an Oracle stored procedure that accepts a refcursor argument then processes the result set? I need to call it and write the result to a file.

I think I get the file part, writing using the value as {TASK(<sql task ID here>|Result.Parameter.Value|RC)} where RC is the procedure's refcursor argument. The problem is VC does not seem to like anything I put in as the value for the RC variable in the call to the stored procedure "wrong number or types of arguments in call". What should the parameter settings be for a input/output refcursor argument? There's no datatype setting of sys_refcursor either.

I can't find an example anywhere either. Thanks for any help.

FYI: A .net or powershell process that can execute the stored procedure and save as a file would be awesome as well.

EDIT 9/6/2018 I found a guide that helped me create a powershell script that got it working. see it here: Oracle database and powershell how-to . I'll be customizing it for our needs.
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Hi Gary,

sorry for the late reply. We do not have the test environment at the moment for Oracle. Was this resolved other way?
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Yes I have a generic powershell job now where I pass parameters and it dumps out the refcursor from a stored procedure to a file. I think this should be an official feature request though for VC to handle this and return results to standard out. What do you think?
Originally Posted by: Gary_W 

Yes I have a generic powershell job now where I pass parameters and it dumps out the refcursor from a stored procedure to a file. I think this should be an official feature request though for VC to handle this and return results to standard out. What do you think?

Yes, I will move this to forum Feature requests. Thanks
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Update 10/11/2018 - If you call an Oracle stored procedure that has an OUT argument of a SYS_REFCURSOR from a SQL VC job, the output already goes to STDOUT of the task So I suppose this request could be cancelled as the result set could be processed using existing methods.

On the other hand, it still would be useful to use as originally requested as input to a file write task or something without having to fill up memory with the output first. My concern is that the output I want to write out could be huge and I would not want to read the entire thing into memory before writing out.

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