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Did the entry

"[BUGFIX] Server: Web macro Task->Better error handling"

from the 8.4.0 changelog include making a step fail if it is a "click" step and the original target isn't there?

I have a web macro that is supposed to attempt to click on a button that is presented if the account logging in has already done so, to take over the session. I'm almost positive that before I upgraded past 8.4.0, if that button wasn't there (because the account was not already logged in), the macro would wait for it briefly and then move on to the next step, and now it fails instead. I thought I had fixed it by making the click target "by position" instead of "relative," but it still seems to fail if that screen doesn't appear.

I'm trying to recreate the task in a more robust way anyhow, but I finally realized that I think this arose about the time I upgraded, and I thought I would see if I could determine if I'm right about why.
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I think the current behavior is that it waits for a short while but then fails (and exists) if it cannot find it. You want it to continue anyway?
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I think it used to, and the change caused my task to stop working as intended. But web macros in general seem to have some rough edges, or perhaps there is something messed up with the ones I'm using; for example, once the macro steps have been saved, there is a button to delete them but for some step types it does nothing. Also, the message from the failure seems to indicate that changing the click to be at specific X,Y coordinates instead of on an element defined by something roughly resembling a CSS selector did not actually persist when I saved the altered task. I may try rebuilding the job from scratch to see if I can reproduce the behavior.
Originally Posted by: bweston 

I think it used to, and the change caused my task to stop working as intended. But web macros in general seem to have some rough edges, or perhaps there is something messed up with the ones I'm using; for example, once the macro steps have been saved, there is a button to delete them but for some step types it does nothing. Also, the message from the failure seems to indicate that changing the click to be at specific X,Y coordinates instead of on an element defined by something roughly resembling a CSS selector did not actually persist when I saved the altered task. I may try rebuilding the job from scratch to see if I can reproduce the behavior.

It is based on relative tree path. If you have an official page that behaves strange please export the web macro and send to us for testing.
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