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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
I have a number of jobs that do an FTP download from an external client site. I am having an issue where the download fails due to an incorrect path. When I look at the output, the destination path shows a part of the source path has been appended to it - since such a path does not exist, the job fails.

We recently upgraded from 4.8.3 to 4.9.2. I saw the first instance prior to the upgrade, with a job that had just been set up and had never worked before - I thought it was a problem specific to that job. Now, there are jobs failing that have worked successfully in the past, due to this issue.
Forum information
Are you sure you are using 4.9.2. and not 4.9.1? We noticed a problem in 4.9.1. but fixed it in 4.9.2. If you have problems with 4.9.2. then please export your settings and send to
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  •  lal
  • No customer Topic Starter
You are correct - we just upgraded to 4.9.2 today to correct the issue - thanks for your help.
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