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Would you consider adding a new feature in VisualCron where a credential can be managed by a new task called "Manage Credential" The task would allow for changing all properties available in the credential screen, as if I were to manually create/update/delete a credential.

The use case for this "new task" is, I need to automate the changing of a credential's password every 30 days.

In this use case,
1. I would create a text file,
2. the text file contains the new password,
3. store the text file on a network share
4. the Visualcron job would read the text file
5. the standard output would be stored to a variable
6. the new task "Manage Credential" would be configured to update the credential with the value of the variable.

I would then set the VisualCron job to run every 30 days.

When its time to update the password, I update the text file on the network share.


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