Community forum

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We have a number of shared resources, where if one task is writing to the resource, we need to hold anything reading the resource until it's finished.

Because of the triggers and intervals, the writing & reading of the resources will be in different jobs.

How can this be accomplished in VisualCron? Is there a way a job/task can be told to wait until another job/task has finished running?
Forum information
At the moment we do not have any lock functionality. It would be interesting to hear how you would like it to work and where you would like to be able to set this? Moving this topic to Feature requests.
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Keep in mind I'm still learning VisualCron…

Option 1 is job queues:

You could have a server settings screen where you define queues.

Each job/task could optionally be assigned to a queue. If no queue, would run immediately as usual.

Each queue would process a single job/task at a time. If further jobs/tasks were triggered they'd be added to the queue, and run in order.

Usually in these environments you can also assign priorities to tasks, so high priority tasks can jump the queue. I'm not sure this would fit into VC's flow design. WP has a pretty basic description 

Option 2 is some kind of locking facility:

A job/task could be assigned a lock flag.

If a job/task with a particular lock flag is running, any further jobs/tasks with the same flag will be held until the first job/task has finished.
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