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I'm wanting to delay some of our jobs if it's a holiday.

e.g. the job normally runs on Mondays, but if that's a holiday, it should run on the Tuesday instead.

1. There doesn't seem to be a straightforward way to accomplish this in VisualCron?

So I thought I could define an exception calendar:
For 2019, June, every day would be an exception except for Tue 4th (Mon is a holiday here), Mon 10th, Mon 17th, Mon 24th
Then schedule the job for every day using that exception calendar

I have some questions about this approach:
2. it would mean loading an exception for every month of the next few years — say 60 exceptions. Can VC handle that many?
3. the link in the help (Global - Time Exceptions) to the US Federal Holidays 2009 is invalid. Is there a sample available?
4. I tried exporting a test collection, changing the names and removing the IDs, and re-importing it. The collection came in, but there was no exceptions under it. How come?
5. do I have to write every field in the XML? e.g. can I skip the 60 lots of seconds which are false
Forum information
1. Not possible at the moment even though we have some ideas about this. I am moving this to Feature requests forum.
2. not a problem
3. You can download them from VisualCron. Click Download in Time Exceptions window
4. Probably ids are mismatching
5. it is not recommended. We recommend using the .NET sample for this. But yes, it could be possible to import as well as you try in 4

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Followup FYI:

My original plan was to build XML files from scratch, but after Henrik's post I exported a collection with the rough dates I was after, then wrote some code to substitute the actual dates and assign new IDs.

VisualCron won't automatically assign Collection & Exception IDs for the imported files, you need to supply these, hence my problem in № 4.

The files have now been imported successfully.

Thanks for the answers.
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