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Is there any way to only allow a task to run within a job's flow (i.e. disallow right click -> run task)
In this case I have a job that updates a database from a file. File is refreshed in a previous task. I don't want someone accidentally running just the database update task. For this, would I have to use a variable condition (and set the variable after the previous task runs)?
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I have wanted the same thing. There is no elegant way of solving this today. You can take those tasks from job A and extract into a separate job B. In job B you click on permissions, and remove ability to execute. Job B can no longer be executed manually. In job A you create a flow where you have the condition On success => run job B.

I think this should work, but it's a bit messy, and overriding permissions to achieve this is not ideal. It would be nice to be able to have a checkbox in each task, where you have the ability to define it as a 'Child task only'. This would imply it cannot be executed manually.

Originally Posted by: thomas 

I have wanted the same thing. There is no elegant way of solving this today. You can take those tasks from job A and extract into a separate job B. In job B you click on permissions, and remove ability to execute. Job B can no longer be executed manually. In job A you create a flow where you have the condition On success => run job B.

I think this should work, but it's a bit messy, and overriding permissions to achieve this is not ideal. It would be nice to be able to have a checkbox in each task, where you have the ability to define it as a 'Child task only'. This would imply it cannot be executed manually.

It's not a bad suggestion,
Have you created a feature request for it in the feature request sections of the forums? If not, we would appreciate if you did that

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