Community forum

Please note that VisualCron support is not actively monitoring this community forum. Please use our contact page for contacting the VisualCron support directly.

Changes so far in this version:

[FEATURE] Client/Server: Robot Task->Fixed better grouping of keystrokes (VC-1048)
[FEATURE] Server: WebDAV->Fixed Upload output (VSPS-130)
[FEATURE] Server: Email Trigger->Added attachment name and path Variables (VC-1193)
[FEATURE] Server: Added ability to update global and Job object ids (VC-1174)
[FEATURE] Server: SharePoint->List items - added items to output (VSPS-137)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: SQL Task/Connection: Fixed license issue with Oracle (VC-1177)
[BUGFIX] Client: Export settings->Fixed null reference issue when lacking Certificate permissions (VC-1180)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Web macro->Fixed playback issue (VC-1108)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Web macro->Fixed object reference issue on checkbox selection (VC-1195)
[BUGFIX] Client: Web macro->Fixed slow Task opening (VC-1169)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Web macro/Robot Task->Fixed realtime output (VC-1168)
[BUGFIX] Server: SQL Trigger->Fixed output null reference issue (VC-1183)
[BUGFIX] Server: Office macro->Changed to password hidden field for password field (VC-1186)
[BUGFIX] Client: Server settings->Fixed license issue when testing proxy settings (VC-1188)
[BUGFIX] Server: Fixed license issue when VisualCron is installed in root directory of drive (VC-1173)
[BUGFIX] Client: Robot Task->Fixed OCR selection bug (VC-1170)
[BUGFIX] Server: Cloud->OneDrive upload fixed issue 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' (VSPS-134)
[BUGFIX] Server: Cloud->OneDrive upload fixed issue 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' (VSPS-132)
[BUGFIX] Server: SCP->Fixed upload error 'scp: error: unexpected filename' (VSPS-131)
[BUGFIX] Client: SQL Connection->Fixed save on close issue (VSPS-136/VC-1179)
[BUGFIX] Server: Sharepoint->Fixed root folder browsing issue (VSPS-135)
[BUGFIX] Server: Cloud Connection->Fixed issue with Task succeeding even if Connection was not existing (VSPS-133)
[BUGFIX] Server: MFT->Fixed permissions issue (VC-1185)
[BUGFIX] Server: Azure->Added missing dlls to installation (RM) (VC-1208)
[BUGFIX] Server: Connections->Fixed crash issue when lacking permissions when opening Connection (VC-1184)
[BUGFIX] Server: ForEach loop additional fix (VC-1007)
[BUGFIX] Server: Crystal reports->Fixed issue with Date Variable resolving (VC-1212)
[BUGFIX] Server: SQS Trigger->Fixed issues with collecting data (VC-1137)
[BUGFIX] Server: SQL Task->Fixed Oracle component license issue (VC-1218)
[BUGFIX] Client: On error->Exit code collection management->Fixed null reference issue when no Exit code collection was selected (VC-1220)
[BUGFIX] Client/Server: Web macro->Fixed download issue (VC-1211)
[BUGFIX] WebClient: Web macro->Fixed persistence of Server Connections (VC-1213)
[BUGFIX] Server: Task repository->Fixed an issue with .NET code execution (VC-1223)
[BUGFIX] Server: Assembly Execute Task->Fixed issue refreshing assembly (VC-1224)

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