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  •  Neal
  • No customer Topic Starter
We have a large number of Job/Tasks that run at various times (event triggers) and for various customers etc.
These customers want reports from us to show on a regular basis (often monthly with our SLA meetings) how their jobs ran etc.

I was thinking that an ability to automatically output every task result along with such things as time ran, output, status, error output etc to a data store - file but preferably a DB table would be incredibly handy.

At the moment what Ihave to do is create a SQL Script that, using the variables for each tasks, inserts it into a SQL db I created. However, this is VERY time consuming as I have to paste every tasks output variable into the script!

This fucntionality does seem to be there as the Print Job Report has this information - I would just like that data in a DB so that I can store and report on the history of jobs.

Forum information
We would be very interested in this feature as well. Here is a common use case for us:

We have many of our custom applications send their logging information (security logging, status info, not debug) to central enterprise database servers. This info is backed up and archived for audit/compliance purposes. Even more importantly, we have developed various SSRS reports that end users and auditors can run to check the status of various applications (nightly batch jobs, real-time interactive apps, etc.) The reports are delivered on our web-based intranet in a secure manner. This is a very powerful and very easy way to put "dashboards" and other information into the end user's hands.


We are doing this right now. But for security reasons you need the API to extract this data. However, it only requires a few lines of code.
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