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  •  gp
  • No customer Topic Starter
I am sure I am missing something simple, there has to be something simplier about conditions. I am using VisualCron to schedule about 40 tasks running from every 2 minutes to every 45 days. About half of these must be run alone . Several of these trigger on file activity, so simply scheduling them seperately wont work. How can I have a VisualCron job not run tasks if any other job is running, but wait 5 seconds and recheck. This will allow each job run in alone.

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Configuring this in Conditions would be time consuming and tricky. In Job settings you can control that you cannot run a Job while it is running - and that is the main idea that Jobs should be independent of each other and Tasks not. So you should group Tasks independently in Jobs.

You should request a feature that only one Job can be run at once, totally within VisualCron but I guess is not what you want to achieve.
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  •  gp
  • No customer Topic Starter
Thank you, I was afraid I was trying to over complicate the process and missing something simple. Yes it is very tricky to configure the conditions for about 20 seperate jobs run indepentely of others. I will submit a feature request for this ability, I would think it should be fairly simple.
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