Community forum

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Recently my company has patched our VisualCRON clients from 5.6.0 to 5.6.2 in an attempt to fix a bug that would lock up the client if it could not find its connection. The machine that has the client installed is completely locked down with almost no access to the internet. We opened up the internet to the machine and installed the patches. The machine is still locking up after the patch was applied (keep in mind that the internet connection is once again locked down). What ports does VisualCRON use in its daily processes? Is there anything I need to know about locking out VisualCRON from internet access?
Forum information

you don't need to open any incoming ports (or outgoing) unless you want to control VisualCron from another desktop computer (with the Client). If want to do that you need to open port 16444 for incoming connections.
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