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I am trying to add unique identifiers to jobs so that I can relate them to users in my application.

For instance. Each user of my application will receive a report, so I have built a page that interfaces with the API to create Jobs and tasks.

However, I need a way to relate a Job to a user in my User table. I'm looking for some sort of key/value collection I can attach to the Job.

Does this exist? If not, does anyone have any elegant and clean workarounds?

I've considered a delimiter in the job name (or description), for instance: EmailReport_UserId_16. I would like to avoid this if at all possible.
Forum information
Are you talking about a unique Id for a Job:


or unique Id per Job execution:


There is also a counter which will reset itself after server restart:

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I essentially need to add relationships from jobs to users in my database.

So, if I create a new job, "MyNewJob", I want to associate it with UserId 33 in my User Table.

Right now, I can put #USER_33# in the description, and then write a LINQ statement that brings back all jobs where the description field Contains "User33" and then I have a list of jobs that are associated with User 33.

My question is: is there any way to add key/value collections to jobs? I find it hard to believe I'm the only person who has ever wanted to to do this.
You have JobObject.Stats.ModifiedBy and JobObjet.Stats.CreatedBy. A unique identifer which is the same Id as the user that is logged in.
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