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First off just allow me to say that VC is absolutely awesome as it is. Just a few little things...

> Would be nice to be able to just hit [ESC] to cancel out of /close a window.

> Would be nice if the "Variables" window would "stay on top", or if it could be docked to the side. I noticed that this window tends to disappear behind the main window, and that each click on "Variables" creates a new instance of it. You can easily end up with 5 or 6 "Variables" windows waiting behind the main window, which you only notice when you minimize VC.

*> Would be nice to have an easy way of knowing how many files there are in a given folder, with all the options that could apply (filename regex filters/exclusions, file attributes, etc).

> Would be nice to be able to export job flow charts to Visio for editing, or would be nice if flow charts could detect when tasks depend on the same condition - basically to have each component (including "Ends job") show up only once, and to have proper branching and layout algorithms to generate the flow chart connectors. Also would be nice to have a UML-compliant flow chart render option.

*>> I'm using a small reusable PowerShell script that just takes a path string, validates it, and returns (outputs) the number of files in it. Anyone has a better way?
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