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  •  karl
  • Paid support Topic Starter
Until recently we were installing 5.5.0 on all of our servers. We have now adopted a new standard of 5.7.3 which has been installed on our newer servers. We are currently trying to upgrade a server from 5.5.0 to 5.7.3 and we can't get it to work.

When we run the installer for the new version it does an uninstall (which successfully removes version 5.5.0) but then it doesn't do the install of 5.7.3. It just stops, no error message, nothing in the event logs.

I have tried the course of action suggested in  but this doesn't work as the uninstall was already successful.

It appears that the service was stopped and unregistered. The contents were removed from the 'program files\visualcron' folder. In short the old version has fully gone.

Running the 5.7.3 installer again just tries to remove the old version again and then stops without doing the install.

I tried reinstalling 5.5.0 and that works fine. Having gone back to 5.5.0 I tried the upgrade again but exactly the same thing happens - it does the uninstall and then stops.

The O/S is Windows 2003 Server SP2.
Forum information
What you can do is to extract the VisualCronSetup.exe file with winrar or winzip into a file. Then run the msi file. This will just install the package.
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  •  karl
  • Paid support Topic Starter
I did as you suggested and ran the MSI file at which point it popped up a message saying we needed to install .Net 3.5. Having done the install of .Net the VisualCron install then worked fine.

I'm assuming it was the fact that we had the wrong version of .Net that was causing the installer to fail. Not sure why it failed without giving any message but we got it sorted in the end.

Many thanks.
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