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I've been building jobs and using the interface (nice by the way), and had a thought. What about a view with two panes and a splitter: a group/job tree on the left, and contents page on the right?

For example,

  • When a group node is selected in the left pane, the right pane shows the jobs under the group (or child groups 😉).
  • When a job is selected in the tree, the right pane shows the list of tasks.

    • Double-clicking the task opens the Edit Task window.
    • The pane could also show all the Edit Job tabs (triggers, conditions, etc), with a button to Edit Job and jump to the same tab.

A couple of ideas:

  • Options to limit the tree to show groups only, to reduce clutter
  • Tree zoom - to reroot the tree from a particular node, to focus on a particular group.
  • Nested (child) groups - new feature request.
  • Remember the splitter setting

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