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I could use a task to activate and deactivate triggers. We have the ability to activate or deactivate jobs or tasks but not triggers.

I need this so we disable file triggers based on an event i.e file content or web service call into monitoring.

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Agreed. I need the same thing. I have jobs that trigger off the first time a file is downloaded. The job runs once, then becomes inactive. However, on subsequent downloads of the same file, the trigger kicks off the job again, even though it has already run. I would like to be able to inactivate the task AND the trigger, please.
I've got the same situation. I want to be able to run a job once per day, period.
There should be an option to internally disable the job regardless of whether the trigger gets activated or not. currently, I've written a script that looks into a log file I generate every time the job executes successfully, if it finds todays time stamp, it skips to the end. This is very inefficient. It should only require some setting that can be ticked on or off.
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