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It would be handy if the trigger automatically created a name. For example:

M-F @ 1:30 pm
Every hour on minute 59.
Twice a day at 8:30 am and 6:30 pm.
Every day at 6:00 am

If the trigger is changed, the description should automatically be updated.

Also, it would be nice to see the Trigger description on the main job table.
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I'm going to agree with this. Its not at the top of my list of needs, but it really sucks to go in and see a description saying 'Mondays at 6pm' and then looking and the interval is actually 'Mondays at 7pm' becuase someone changed the schedule without changing the description of the Interval trigger. This gets more complicated if you're doing 'custom' triggers, but for really basid Interval triggers this would be nice.
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